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Alabaster heart is a song written by an artist named Kalley. The song is a perfect example of how I’m feeling and what the Lord is doing through me. Having an alabaster heart is something I pray each and everyone will desperately seek. 



Before coming on the race I was praying for God to do some heart work in me and oh boy is He doing some heart work. He has been slowly revealing the depths of my heart to me. Let me tell ya, heart work isn’t just a quick thing it’s a process that is hard but so beautiful. He is slowly emptying me of myself and molding my heart to look more like His. The past 3 weeks I have been totally broken down and emptied out, completely vulnerable before the Lord. Being in this place has made me completely depend on the Lord and has created a space for him to work in me. I have been challenged and stretched beyond measure during the duration of this training camp and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The Lord has revealed some roots in my heart that need work and He has been tearing down walls that need a new foundation in Him. 



The questions I’ve been asking myself is, am I fully surrendering my heart to God? Am I pouring out everything in my heart before Him? What parts of my heart am I holding back from Him? The last question is hard to be vulnerable before God with. Like I know he searches the depths of my heart but he wants me to pour that out before Him, even the ugly parts. So he’s teaching me there is grace in that and when I do surrender those hard things in my heart I don’t want to let go of, there is freedom in it. When you lay everything out before the Lord there is an awakening and revival He does in your heart. This life I live is His, the breath in my lungs is His, this heart of mine is His. It is so much better living in freedom and in full surrender rather than in fear and hiding. Now, heart work shouldn’t be a one time thing and you’re good forever. Heart work should be a continuous thing. You should continue to seek for surrender, seek for growth, and seek for a heart more like Christ. 



Proverbs 4:23 says, “ Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flows the springs of life.”  And then Matthew 12:34 says, “ You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” I love these 2 verses because they speak so much truth. Your heart is the most beautiful thing about you and it is where everything flows from. When we have a heart chasing the heart of the Lord it is a beautiful spring of life and life giving to others. But when we have a heart seeking the selfish desires of man and the things of this world it is so unfulfilling. We need to desperately seek the truth of God and continue to pour out everything before Him. Give it all to Him and hold nothing back so he can purify your heart and renew you. Your heart already belongs to the Lord, so why not be vulnerable before Him and give Him your all. It might scary but once you do give Him your all there is nothing more sweeter than to walk in close relationship with our Father. He pours His heart out before us so in return we can give Him our whole hearts. 



I just want to challenge everyone to evaluate your heart and see what areas in your heart you need to surrender before the Lord. 



With love, 










6 responses to “Alabaster Heart”

  1. You are spiritually maturing beyond your years! I’m so thankful you are experiencing God in a mighty way. Your daddy and I love you so much and we are so proud of you! You are right when you say you belong to the Lord. You have always been the Lords. We are so thankful he chose us and trusted us to be your earthly parent’s. We love and miss you so much! Go WIN souls for the Lord!! ??????????

  2. Charytie, the Lord will continue to use you to touch the lives of others because you truly are surrendering to His plan. Know you will be faithful to what He desires of you.

  3. So happy to read this and see the growth you have already! Praying over you and love your faithfulness!!!


  4. Beautiful words from a true servant’s heart! I can literally feel the Holy Spirit pouring out of you through your words. Continued prayers for you sweet girl as you allow the Lord to use you in mighty ways. Stay strong and know you are so very loved!

  5. Thank you for sharing your heart and the journey you are on. I am so thankful that you and Gracie connect and build a friendship. It is amazing to watch you, her and so many others spiritually growing. You are all in my prayers daily and I can’t wait to hear all that God is doing and has in store for your squad!

  6. Charytie,

    YOU have a big big wonderful heart for God and for others! Keep shining girl…YOU are a light!

    P.S. I want my heart to be like yours! Thanks for the challenge. I am working on it! 🙂